Books, e-books and DVDs can be purchased online or contact any bookshop or specialist woodworking and woodturning stores.
Raffan books and DVDs are renowned for their clarity and always get rave reviews. Since 1984 tens of thousands of turners have learnt how to turn wood from Richard Raffan’s books and DVDs. Each is profusely illustrated with hundreds of clear drawings and photos. You see how to use the tools and learn how to overcome problems that beset all woodturners.
Books, e-books and DVDs can be purchased online or contact any bookshop or specialist woodworking and woodturning stores.
Richard Raffan books and DVDs are published by The Taunton Press, Newtown, CT, USA.
Turning Wood with Richard Raffan, now in its third edition, is the modern classic treatise on how to turn wood. It contains everything you need to know to get started. You see how to sharpen and maintain tools and then how to use them so you can turn just about anything safely and efficiently. The complementary DVD shows them in use.
Turning Bowls with Richard Raffan shows everything you need for turning bowls. There are chapters on tools and sharpening, wood selection, grain alignment and cutting blanks, then each stage of turning a bowl has its own chapter. You see many ways to chuck and rechuck you blank or bowl as work proceeds, and how to embellish bowls with beads or textures.
Turning Boxes with Richard Raffan is yet another classic detailing everything you need to know when turning endgrain boxes with suction-fit lids: tools and equipment, wood selection, design, lid fits, surface decoration, and pages of forms to inspire you.
Richard Raffan’s Turning Guides comprises the three books above as a boxed set.
Taunton’s Complete Illustrated Guide to Turning has over 850 photos and drawings. It is a guide to a range of practical techniques that enable you to turn just about anything using standard gouges, chisels, parting tools, and scrapers. You see how to use to measuring and layout tools, select wood, tools, and set up a lathe for small to large-scale turning. And there are projects to make.
The Art of Turned Bowls, first published as Turned Bowl Design in 1987, is completely updated with new information and all-new colour photography. It is about design rather than technique, discussing what goes into making a spectacular bowl. Both books are widely acclaimed as essential volumes in any turner’s library.
Turning Projects with Richard Raffan
All New Turning Projects with Richard Raffan
Turning Toys with Richard Raffan
These three project books show you what to do, and detail how to go about each task. Experienced turners will gain insights into the craft, whilst novices are guided the whole way, from choosing the wood through to completing the project.
There are editions in French, German, Chinese, and Korean.
The Raffan DVDs complement books with the same title. You see the cuts close up as work proceeds and projects from start to finish.
Turning Wood with Richard Raffan DVD – 114 minutes
Made in 1984 this DVD shows turning before modern self-centering 4-jaw chucks.
3-Centerwork Stance and Movement
4-Centerwork Gouge Cut
5-Centerwork Skew Cuts
6-Tool Handle
7-Light pull
9-Endgrain Box
10-Facework cuts
11-Facework Stance and Movement
The New Turning Wood with Richard Raffan DVD – 120 minutes
2-The lathe and chucks
3-Tools and Sharpening
4-Gouge between centres
5-Skew chisel
6-Tool handle
7-Table leg
8-Drawer knob
10-Pencil pot
Turning Boxes with Richard Raffan DVD – 55 minutes
1-Preparing blanks
2-Suction fit lid design
3-9-Turning a box turning a box and fixing splits and defects
10-14 Turning a box with a threaded lid
15-20 Turning a deep box and recovering from a disaster
Turning Projects with Richard Raffan DVD – 87 minutes
1-Intro and Roughing Down
4-Ego Stick
5- Spinning Top
6-Small Endgrain Bowl
8-Trivet (Facework beads)
9-Bottle Coaster
10-Hollow Vessel with inside saved for two small bowls
11-Beads to string
Turning Bowls with Richard Raffan DVD – 120 minutes
2-Standard bowl
3-Natural edge bowl
4-Wide rim bowl
5-Lidded bowl
6-Pot: Enclosed form
7- Enclosed Vessel using articulated arm hollower and laser gauge
8-Enclosed Pot using hollowing rig
Turning Toys with Richard Raffan DVD – 160 minutes
Spinning top
Balance tray
Wheely Bug
Race car
Richard now has his own YouTube channel. A variety of videos will be added regularly.